The First Step


We all have been there…

The beginning of self love is a hard pill to swallow. A lot of us think we already love ourselves. We are unaware of what self love truly means or feels like. We think that waking up and being content with ourselves and the life we are living is all we need. Not realizing the things that we accept from ourselves and others is the exact opposite. We think that because we made it through the day that’s enough. But what we are really doing is settling for the mundane. Not for what we deserve. Having nice things doesn’t help feed self love. And I know that cliché saying “money doesn’t buy happiness” is something we all laugh at. Because all though true, people who say that have the money to pay for the things they want and need in life. I, for one, feel like having more money may not buy my happiness but it would But beyond all that, finding your own peace is what will make you get through those times of struggling. Trusting the divine, the universe, or Whatever Diety you find comfort in will help bring that peace. We have all been there. You wake up trying to believe that today will be better than yesterday. You put on that smile and push through. But yet it still doesn’t feel like youll make it. I believe blind faith is key. This is not to say youll never have a bad day. It is to understand that those bad days are not even “bad days” but moments in that day that we can either let determine the entire day or we can acknowledge and take in, then release it into the universe with love and understanding. This isn’t something that will happen over night. With anything in life it takes practice. Anything we want in life takes time and belief. We are energy and to believe that our vibrations have nothing to do with the outcomes of our day to day life is ridiculous. But it does take time. You must believe you or powerful enough to claim your destiny and the positive energy that is rightfully yours. We weren’t put on this earth to suffer. We were put here to learn. To be loving, compassionate people. This is the first step to self love. To living a life of blind faith and understanding. Not to expect that everyday will be perfect, but to accept that everyday is a day to learn something that will make you better. To take those bad moments at the end of each day and figure out what it was meant to teach you. So that in time you may welcome whatever each day has to bring you. Good or bad. The divine wants you to find your balance. So that you may find your peace and purpose in this life. I am a work in progress like each one of you. But I am willing to work and make that progress. We have all been there, Love Thyself.